Are you a Baby Boomer Caregiver?

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

You’re not alone.

While we are nearing the end of November, the job of baby boomer family caregiving really never ends. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently conducted an interesting study of 109,268 baby boomers who are family caregivers.

One of the key conclusions revealed that:

  • More than half of baby boomer caregivers provided care for longer than 2 years

  • More than one-quarter provided care for 20 hours or more per week.

Previous studies have shown that the longer a person acts as a caregiver, including caregivers who are employed, the worse the caregiver’s health and mental health conditions become.

Here is the article along with a 5-minute podcast that discusses the study.

Let’s continue the conversation. Leave your comments here or message me through our contact form to discuss further.


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