Frequently Asked Questions


“With Dr. Dave’s medical background and personal experiences, working with them is completely worth it. It makes all the difference having someone to help navigate it all. At the very least, reach out to them, once you do that, you know what they are like.”


How does the process begin?

For Life Care Planning services, Dr. Ferguson starts the process with a conversation over the phone or in person to obtain an understanding of your situation. Out of that complimentary discovery meeting, the Life Care Planning process continues with an assessment by nurse advocate, Ellen Brzenski, and a medical records review.

Does insurance cover your service?

We always ask if long-term care insurance is in place since some policies may cover care management fees. We bill privately for our services and do not bill Medicare.

Does working with Dr. Ferguson replace seeing my doctor?

No, we work in conjunction with your primary care physician as well as any specialists with whom you are seeing.

Is this an ongoing service?

Ongoing services depend upon your personal situation. Many clients and their families find that ongoing support is beneficial, however, there are some circumstances in which our service has a defined endpoint based upon clients’ needs.

How does Dr. Ferguson work with our family?

Dr. Ferguson serves as the hub of communication between you and your family, as well as in conjunction with your health care providers. With over 30 years of experience in the medical profession, he easily provides families with understandable communication, easing the burden of interpreting diagnostics and medical terminology.

How does Ellen Brzezenski work with our family?

Ellen seamlessly includes the support of Dr. Ferguson with her role as a Nurse Advocate and combines these services in combination with her experience as an RN to offer holistic, non-medical support.

Begin building your life care planning team. It starts with a conversation.