Death Doulas: Supporting Families During A Loved One’s Final Days

….understanding the work of a life doula during one’s final days.

Our very own Marggie Moertl was featured in the May episode of Remembering a Life’s monthly podcast! Here’s a sneak peek…

When a loved one dies, honoring their memory is one of the most meaningful ways to ensure their legacy lives on. Join host Holly Ignatowski and end-of-life experts for thoughtful and meaningful discussions about ways to remember a life, grieve and support others. New episodes are released on the second Wednesday of each month.

When we hear the term “doula,” we probably most often think of a birth doula –someone who helps bring new life into the world. However, increasingly, doulas are also helping people through their final days. Our guest, Marggie Moertl, is one of approximately 400 certified end-of-life doulas in the United States. Marggie has been an end-of-life doula for six years, providing families with in-home end-of-life support prior to and throughout the dying experience.

Click here to listen to the whole episode.


Writing as a Healing Tool


“When Work and Family Caregiving Collide”