“When Work and Family Caregiving Collide”

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Wall Street Journal: “The pandemic is driving women from the workforce.”

Our team finds this recent Wall Street Journal pertinent and very concerning, particularly the impact on women in the workplace. An excerpt from the article states:

For women, who have always done the lion’s share of caregiving and child care, the demands have only increased.

Ample evidence shows the pandemic is driving women from the workforce—costing them and their families vital earning power now and into the future. In September alone, four times as many women left the workplace as men (865,000 vs. 216,000), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Read the full Wall Street Journal Article here.

If you or someone you know is struggling to balance caregiving on top of personal and professional life demands, please reach out and schedule your complimentary discovery meeting with our team today to see how we can best help you and your family.


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